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TTMI Consulting Ltd. is a business consulting company that has been active since 2010. It works with entities from the entire spectrum of economic activity, in Greece and in over 15 countries abroad.


About us

Since 2010, TTMI has been offering consulting services to businesses and agencies/organizations of the public, social and private sectors, focusing mainly on the field of Technology Transfer.

Its main activity is the support and management of innovative development plans for businesses, public and social economy bodies.

TTMI executives use their accumulated collective knowledge, skills and experience in the fields of:

  • Adoption of new technologies
  • Increasing competitiveness by harnessing innovation
  • Development of innovative products and services
  • Support and financing of investment initiatives
  • Facilitating the operation of new businesses
  • Support extroversion
  • Youth entrepreneurship development
  • Support for collaborations / synergies between SMEs / organizations (clusters)
  • Supporting local/regional development and highlighting local and regional competitive advantages
  • Support of research projects and collaborations of research and entrepreneurship bodies
  • Promotion and support of innovative collaborative social entrepreneurship schemes to support specific groups and sectors at local and national level.
  • Support of businesses and organizations through the reorganization of functions and the continuous upgrading and improvement of operating procedures

Our Approach

TTMI values, respects and encourages every creative aspect of entrepreneurship, always seeking solutions that increase the competitiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of organizations, as well as the quantitative and qualitative scope of their activities. It functions as a place of gathering and organizing all the necessary resources, experiences, skills needed to form a – critical for counseling – “institutional memory”.

Our Approach

TTMI values, respects and encourages every creative aspect of entrepreneurship, always seeking solutions that increase the competitiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of organizations, as well as the quantitative and qualitative scope of their activities.

It functions as a place of gathering and organizing all the necessary resources, experiences, skills needed to form a – critical for counseling – “institutional memory”.

Trust us

TTMI executives use their accumulated collective knowledge, skills and experience for the benefit of their clients.

Meet the team

Giannis E. Troulis CEO
Nour Hammad
Dr. Ioanna Kostopoulou Ph.D. Chemical Engineer
Panagiotis Papantonopoulos
Senior Consultant
Kostas Ledakis Consultant
Elpidas Tsitsiridis – Economist
Othon Charalambakis – Communication Specialist
Dr. Nikos Stefanakis Ph.D. – Chemical Engineer – Associate Advisor

Financial tools


Ταμείο Επιχειρηματικότητας – ΤΕΠΙΧ ΙΙΙ Ταμείο Δανείων

Beneficiaries: Μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις που έχουν εγκατάσταση και λειτουργούν νόμιμα στην Ελλάδα.
Status: Ενεργό


Status: Ενεργό
Start: 06/06/2024
Στήριξη για επενδύσεις στη

Στήριξη για επενδύσεις στη μεταποίηση /εμπορία και /ή ανάπτυξη γεωργικών προϊόντων

Beneficiaries: Δικαιούχοι του προγράμματος είναι οι πολύ μικρές, οι μικρές και οι μεσαίες επιχειρήσεις κατά την έννοια της σύστασης 2003/361/ΕΚ της Επιτροπής, καθώς και οι μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις που δραστηριοποιούνται κατά κύριο λόγο στη μεταποίηση γεωργικών προϊόντων (ως πρώτη ύλη) που ανήκουν στο παράρτημα Ι της Συνθήκης για τη Λειτουργίας της ΕΕ και το τελικό προϊόν είναι γεωργικό. Είναι επιλέξιμη κάθε μορφή επιχείρησης που έχει υποχρέωση τήρησης βιβλίων Β΄ ή Γ΄ κατηγορίας, με εξαίρεση τις επιχειρήσεις που λειτουργούν υπό τη μορφή της κοινωνίας, της εταιρείας αστικού δικαίου και της κοινοπραξίας.
Status: Προδημοσίευση